Bill, Theophilus Brown, was a consummate story teller. He had far too many wonderful stories to fit into a single film. We didn't want these stories to end up on the cutting room floor, so we made them into a series of vignettes. These stories are not in the film. We hope you enjoy them.
Bill and John Cage
Bill tells us about his New York City neighbor, John Cage.
Mrs. Butterworth and Her Venetian Ceiling
Bill tells us about his awkward visit to see Mrs. Butterworth's Venetian ceiling when he was a freshman in college.
Bill, Auden and Capote
Bill shares some anecdotes about poet W.H. Auden and Truman Capote
Bill's Stories, Part 2: A Lot to Learn, Stable Gallery
In the first story, Bill shares a story about he and Richard Diebenkorn visiting David Park at his studio. Then he tells us about Eleanor Ward, the owner of the Stable Gallery, putting a brash young man in his place.
A Day in the Life
Spend a few minutes with our 92 year old master artist Bill as he goes to his studio and sketches a model.
Darrell Hayden
Darrell Hayden tells a hilarious story about the second time his mother, Eva Marie Saint, met Bill.
Bill and Balthus
Bill tells us about a visit he had to Balthus' studio in Paris in 1949